Journals and series
Page history
last edited
by PBworks 17 years, 5 months ago
The initial list of journals was copied from Willard McCarty and Matthew Kirschenbaum, "Institutional models for humanities computing," Literary and Linguistic Computing 18.3 (2003): 465-89, with the permission of the authors and with thanks from the digital humanities community.
- Printed
- Computers and the Humanities, (U.S.) [X].
- Computers and Texts, (U.K.) [X], journal/newsletter of the CTI Centre for Textual Studies.
- Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie (München, Germany). See below.
- Literary and Linguistic Computing, (U.K.) [X], the official journal of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing.
- Office for Humanities Communication, Publications (U.K.) [X], currently 10 titles in print.
- Revue. Informatique et Statistiques dans les Sciences Humaines (Belgium) [X]. Articles in French and English concerning the applications of computing techniques and statistics to the humanities.
- Text Technology (Canada) [X]. A journal dedicated to computer technologies and their applications to text.
- Electronic
- CLC Web Comparative Literature and Culture, (U.S.) [X], online since 1999, publishes peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of its topic.
- Computing in the Humanities Working Papers, (Canada, U.K.) [X], an interdisciplinary series of refereed publications on computer-assisted research.
- D-Lib forum and magazine, (U.S.) [X], widely-read electronic periodical and online resource center for digital library research.
- DQH [X], an open-access, peer-reviewed, digital journal covering all aspects of digital media in the humanities, published by the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO).
- dichtung-digital,[X], "a journal for reviews and scholarship about digital literature and art. It was founded in June 1999."
- Electronic Book Review (EBR), (U.S.) [X], publishes full-length articles, work in experimental media and roundtable dialogues as well as reviews.
- Game Studies, [X], "Game Studies is a crossdisciplinary journal dedicated to games research, web-published several times a year. Our primary focus is aesthetic, cultural and communicative aspects of computer games."
- Human IT (Sweden) [X], a quarterly journal published by The Centre for Information Technology Studies as a Human Science (ITH) at the Swedish School for Library and Information Studies (SSLIS), University College of Bor�s and G�teborg University; many articles of interest to the humanities computing community, both in Swedish and, to an increasing degree, in English. Also published in print.
- Iowa Review Web, [X], a journal of New Media and experimental writing and art, The Iowa Review Web is published at the University of Iowa with support from the Department of English and in collaboration with the Iowa Review and The International Writing Program.
- Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie (München, Germany) [X], the online component of a printed journal offering a form for discussion of the numerous possibilities computing offers to literary studies.
- Journal of Electronic Publishing, (U.S.) [X], publishes articles on all aspects of its topic.
- Postmodern Culture, (U.S.) [X], frequent articles on the cultural impact of computing and new media. Oldest peer-reviewed electronic journal in the humanities (founded 1990).
- Vectors, (U.S.) [X], A multimedia journal that explores new, media-rich forms of scholarly publication. Seeks to meld form and content and to experiment with new strategies for visual communication. Also hosts an annual fellowship competition, pairing humanities scholars with leading-edge designers and programmers.
Journals and series
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